Mango Browser Examples

Mango browser is an HTML based genome browser that runs on local, remote, and cloud staged files. The Mango Browser utilizes Apache Spark and scalatra.

See file support for file types that are supported in the Mango Browser.

Mango Browser Options

The Mango browser uses the mango-submit script to start an Apache Spark session and launch the Mango Browser. The mango-submit script can be found in the Mango Distribution or in the Mango Github repository.

To see options that can be run with the Mango Submit script, run:

./mango-submit -h

You will see a list of options:

genome                                                          : Path to compressed .genome file. To build a new genome file, run bin/make_genome.
-cacheSize N                                                    : Bp to cache on driver.
-coverage VAL                                                   : A list of coverage files to view, separated by commas (,)
-debugFrontend                                                  : For debugging purposes. Sets front end in source code to avoid recompilation.
-discover                                                       : This turns on discovery mode on start up.
-features VAL                                                   : The feature files to view, separated by commas (,)
-h (-help, --help, -?)                                          : Print help
-parquetIsBinned                                                : This turns on binned parquet pre-fetch warmup step
-parquet_block_size N                                           : Parquet block size (default = 128mb)
-parquet_compression_codec [UNCOMPRESSED | SNAPPY | GZIP | LZO] : Parquet compression codec
-parquet_disable_dictionary                                     : Disable dictionary encoding
-parquet_logging_level VAL                                      : Parquet logging level (default = severe)
-parquet_page_size N                                            : Parquet page size (default = 1mb)
-port N                                                         : The port to bind to for visualization. The default is 8080.
-prefetchSize N                                                 : Bp to prefetch in executors.
-preload VAL                                                    : Chromosomes to prefetch, separated by commas (,).
-print_metrics                                                  : Print metrics to the log on completion
-reads VAL                                                      : A list of reads files to view, separated by commas (,)
-repartition                                                    : Repartitions data to default number of partitions.
-test                                                           : For debugging purposes.
-variants VAL                                                   : A list of variants files to view, separated by commas (,). Vcf files require a
                                                                  corresponding tbi index.

Note that a genome file is always required when running the Mango Browser. See how to build a genome.

Running Mango Browser Examples Locally

The Mango Github repository contains example scripts and data files for running Mango browser on region chr17:7500000-7515000 of a single aligment sample. Once Mango is built, you can run the following command from the root mango directory to view Mango browser:


This script contains the following command:

bin/mango-submit ./example-files/hg19.genome \
  -reads ./example-files/chr17.7500000-7515000.sam \
  -variants ./example-files/ALL.chr17.7500000-7515000.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf

This script specifies the required genome reference file:


An optional alignment file:

-reads ./example-files/chr17.7500000-7515000.sam

An optional variant file:

-variants ./example-files/ALL.chr17.7500000-7515000.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf

Once the example script is running, navigate to localhost:8080 to view the Mango browser. Navigate to chr17:7500000-7515000 to view data.

There is also another example script at ./example-files/browser-scripts/ that runs on remote files from Amazon S3.

This script contains the following command:

bin/mango-submit ./example-files/hg19.genome \
  -variants \

Running Mango Browser with Parameters

Mango can accept Apache Spark parameters, as well as Mango parameters shown above.

To run Mango browser with user specified Apache Spark parameters, run

./bin/mango-submit <Spark-parameters> -- <Mango-parameters>

<Spark-parameters> include Apache Spark specific configuration settings.

<Mango-parameters> are shown in the output of ./bin/mango-submit.

Note that a genome file is required to run the Mango browser.

Running example files on a cluster with HDFS

The Mango browser can run files that are staged on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).

To run the example files on a cluster with hdfs, first put example-files on hdfs:

hdfs dfs -put example-files

Then, run mango-submit:

./bin/mango-submit ./example-files/hg19.genome \
       -genes \
       -reads hdfs:///<path_to_examples>/example-files/chr17.7500000-7515000.sam \
       -variants hdfs:///<path_to_examples>/example-files/ALL.chr17.7500000-7515000.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf \

Running on Apache YARN

YARN is a resource management system for clusters. The Mango browser can run on YARN clusters, and requires package org.apache.parquet:parquet-avro:1.8.3. To run the Mango browser on YARN, include parquet-avro as a package on start-up:

./bin/mango-submit --packages org.apache.parquet:parquet-avro:1.8.3 \
        --master yarn-client \