Running Mango on Google Cloud

Cloud Dataproc provides pre-built Hadoop and Spark distributions which allows users to easily deploy and run Mango.

This documentation explains how to configure requirements to connect with Google Cloud on your local machine, and how to run Mango on GCP.

Before you Start

Commands in this section will require users to:

  1. Create an account on Google Cloud
  2. Install the gcloud cli

Creating a Dataproc Cluster

The necessary initialization scripts are available at the Google Cloud Storage bucket located at gs://mango-initialization-bucket/

In order to access this bucket through the cloud dataproc cluster, it is necessary to give billing account manager permissions to and through the IAM console.

Create the Cloud Dataproc Cluster (modify the fields as appropriate) with the below installation script:

gcloud dataproc clusters create <cluster-name> \
    --project <project_id> \
    --bucket <optional_bucket_name> \
    --metadata MINICONDA_VARIANT=2 \
    --master-machine-type=n1-standard-1 \
    --worker-machine-type=n1-standard-1 \
    --master-boot-disk-size=50GB \
    --worker-boot-disk-size=10GB \
    --initialization-actions \

After the above steps are completed, ssh into the master node with the following command:

gcloud compute ssh <cluster-name>-m

Running Mango on GCE through Docker

Before Mango can run, it is recommended to stage datasets into HDFS if you are trying to view specific files. The created container will share the same hadoop file system with the root master user.

hdfs dfs -put /<local-machine-path> /<hdfs-path>

Public datasets can be accessed by referencing google cloud storage at gs://genomics-public-data/.

More information about available public datasets on Google cloud can be found online

More information on using the dataproc cluster’s Spark interface is available through Google Cloud documentation

Running the Mango Notebook on GCE

An example docker startup script is available in the Mango GCE scripts directory for running mango notebook.

wget ''


Note: root permissions may be necessary for Docker.

Once the notebook is running, connect to Mango by setting up a tunnel to your local computer via the exposed port in the master node:

gcloud compute ssh <cluster-name>-m -- -N -L localhost:<local-port>:localhost:8888

You can navigate to the notebook through your local browser by pointing it towards http://localhost:<local-port>/.

Running the Mango Browser on GCE

To run Mango Browser on GCE on top of Docker, you will first need to configure a reference. To create a reference, see Building a Genome.

Simply run:

sudo docker run \
      -i \
      -t \
      -v <OUTPUT_DIR>:<OUTPUT_DIR> \
      --entrypoint=make_genome \ \

This will save a file called <GENOME_NAME>.genome to your <OUTPUT_LOCATION>. Now that you have a reference, you can run Mango browser.

An example docker startup script for the Mango browser is available in the Mango GCE scripts directory for running mango browser.

wget ''

bash \
    --  \
    <path_to_genome>/hg19.genome \